Thursday, January 26, 2017

Biased Apple Selectively Applies Own Rules to Censor Twitter Competitor

Incredible bias and double standards is the rule for the common media, which are owned by jews and operated to undermine normal white society. Here's a good article explaining this reality, from a non-racial POV. The factual right is censored, while the lying left is promoted.

Published rules and standards don't mean anything unless they are even applied. They aren't. The rules are selectively applied, varying by the politics of the person or position in question.

The article above isn't directly relevant to sports, but the bent it shows, the exact same collection of biases, is found at your favorite sports channels too. All media, save some on the internet, are on the same side. The other side is the White Side. Here's a site with news as it could be if it were written from the White perspective:

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