Daniel Snyder has come in for heaps of abuse during his tenure as owner of the Washington Redskins. But not for the right reason.
Snyder has been attacked for everything under the sun, but all those attacks have been aimed at him for being an old white guy (he is not, he is a jew) and for being racist. Racism is a bogus concept, so attacks based on it aren't legitimate. Snyder is criticized for not changing the name of his team because jewish antiwhite leftists don't like it. So what? Polls were taken, and they showed Indians themselves don't care. But of course the jews called liberals are the only authoritative voice for all groups at all times.
What deserves discussion is the racial roots of Snyder's jewish antipathy toward whites in general. This is absolutely universal among jews, and it explains most of the commentary and analysis you see. It's the dog that didn't bark in the why wont the Skins resign Cousins debate. Because jews own the media, they create the illusion that jews are victims. In fact, jews are never victims and always aggressors. What is the whole "QB of the future" scam-concept they created but a pseudo-analytical attempt to smuggle in their politics, which call for blacks replacing whites at every position on the field. Just as they do in broader society with the scam concepts of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and open borders immigration.
"QB of the future" is the sports equivalent of "diversity." The problem is that just like in street society, diversity is a horrible weakness and the QB of the future can't get the job done. But the jew will keep on lying and trying.
This is the hidden grammar of the Cousins debate. You will never see the true reason the Skins' owner is slow to sign Cousins because it is de facto illegal in the controlled media to mention the incredible jewish bias against whites. It's called loxism, and it is the hatred that drives modern American media and politics - and sports media and ownership too.
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