There is a school of media criticism - dishonest, fake and dull - that claims the way to understand the mass media is that it's in the consolidated control of giant corporations bent on maximizing profits above all other considerations. The advocates of this bogus theory can never explain, nor do they even attempt to explain, how, if that is the case, a company like ESPN can embrace leftist politics that piss off the majority of their viewers. It's not just ESPN. It's all those giant corporations. Netflix, with its race-baiting "Dear White People." It's Hollywood refusing to finance one of its most popular actors' movie about a man who is hero to literally a billion people.
The correct way to understand and predict what the media will do is to understand that the mass media are owned, operated and controlled by jews, and they put their political agenda - always anti-white - ahead of profits. They will never admit what they're up to, of course. But it's implicit in all their behavior. Just as they control the media, the jews control media criticism. So that they and their peculiar, invariably antiwhite racial motives are never on the table. Never allowed into that debate they're so keen to embrace. It never occurs to the goyish sapsuckers that a menu of Media-Approved-Positions doesn't necessarily include the true and correct ones. That, after all, is why the liars and schemers control things, and the goy retards go to Buffalo Wild Wings and get drunk.
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