Friday, January 27, 2017

Blame Briles Not Blacks

The media, which means jews, always deflect blame off guilty blacks onto the nearest or most plausible white. In the case of the rapist football players, that usually means the coach and the administration.

You've never seen a 'mainstream' story placing rape in racial context, and you never will. Jews go into the media precisely to hide the results of the social policies they've brought about through legal changes forcing blacks among whites. This, again, is #loxism: the jewish hatred of whites and desire to destroy their society.

“This complaint arises from a brutal gang rape at the hands of two Baylor football players, Tre’Von Armstead and Shamycheal Chatman...

Plaintiff is aware of at least 52 rapes over 4 years committed by 31 players.

At least two of the gang rapes were committed by ten or more players.

This sort of thing happens in greater or lesser degree wherever black football players congregate. Blacks in positions of power will use that power to sexually exploit any white women they can. That is an absolute truth.

We pretend blacks are our equals, but it's just a jew-enforced charade. They are dangerous wild animals, and should be returned to the jungle. That's their home. That's where they belong.

Forced integration leads to this kind of garbage. Decades ago Baylor wouldn't have blacks on campus, or it would have segregation. Now, forced to 'integrate' if it wants to accept students with government loans, it's coerced into promoting the we-all-bez-equals ideology. Worshipping sports players goes hand in hand with this, because it's one of very few fields where negroes are capable of accomplishment. But they still can't control their nature, so they rape and run wild. This story is not unusual in kind, only in degree. The same kind of "here, take these whiteskin comfort women as your concubines" attitude goes on at Notre Dame and perhaps most Division I serious football programs. All kinds of things are covered. Again, this case is unusual only in degree. A version of the same problem exists on virtually every Div I campus.

Deadspin is communist jews. Black gang rapes give them a pretext for attacking Southern conservative institutions they've already turned out anyway, as mentioned above. And they can push their "rape culture" feminist garbage, while denying or hiding the single most pertinent fact: blacks are far more prone to rape than other races. You will never see jews like Moskowitz give you the interracial rape stats because they show that nearly 100% of interracial rapes are black on white or at least colored on white.

Leftism is a cult produced by jews for white malocclusives and delusionals. Just look at the comments at Deadspin. The problem is christians. Not blacks. No matter what blacks do, whites and their attitudes are the real problem. So it is always in the jewsmedia. This is a large part of the reason Trump was elected - this insane reality reversal in the common media -- the technical term is gaslighting -- has grown so pervasively obnoxious that the mass public has voted to throw the (((media))) out by its proxy Donald Trump.

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