Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fewest Moving Parts: More Case for Kirk Cousins

Tom Brady has led the way: complete dedication to career. In 2017, this means more attention to detail off the field than on. Being a first-rate QB, assuming you have the talent, means controlling your personal life as much as anything:

- your relationships
- your physical wellbeing (diet and sleep)

Brady has focused on these more than any man alive.

Kirk Cousins is if not at as high a level as Brady, similar in his approach. I don't know about his diet, but he has nailed down his personal life, getting married. This allows him to focus on his career. He plots out his time in fifteen-minute segments. Which is pretty amazing. You can do that when you're disciplined and young. When you're older, sometimes your energy will run down unpredicably and you have to rest. But in your twenties, you should be able to go nonstop.

Cousins also drives an old car. Signifying respect for his elders, tradition, and showing that he values money correctly. He doesn't waste it. So without financial or personal worries, he is free to concentrate on football.

Then, on the field, he does what he can to maximize his own preservation, within the scope of playing a position where injury is always possible and never unlikely. He delivers the ball very quickly. This eases pressure on his linemen and on himself - helping prevent injuries to all parties.

Kirk Cousins has done everything to set himself up for success. The success is dependent on the level of skill he can develop, and the level of talent the staff brings in to play in the line protecting  him and in the positions of back and receiver who receive the ball transfers from him.

Cousins has the mental ability to grasp the principle of fewer parts the better. The more nailed down every aspect of life, the fewer moving parts, the less stuff can go wrong. Nail down everything you can. He's done this. Practice all the repetitions you can. Go as far as you can.

Kirk Cousins has given himself every chance to succeed. Which is more than you can say for the Washington Redskins themselves, in retrospect. They should realize this and commit to him fully and wholeheartedly now - and his very way of being and manner of approaching things suggests the Redskins will be rewarded with superior performance.

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