Thursday, January 26, 2017

Whites and Redskins and Mike Shanahan

Back at the height of the whining about the Redskins' name there was an irony that passed unremarked:

People, by which I mean the leftist press, were attacking Mike Shanahan for being red faced. Having leathery red skin. For literally being a redskin. They were attacking him racially, while complaining about racial bias. The reason they attacked him was that he offered valid analysis of Robert Griffin and Kirk Cousins - analysis born out 100% by all subsequent happenings.

Today, Cousins is in line for a 100,000,000+ contract. People believe he is at least a considerably better than average QB, and many believe, as Shanahan and others have said, he can take a team to the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, Robert Griffin struggles to stay on the field with one of the worst teams in the league.

For simply stating facts, or offering reasoned analysis, whites endure racial abuse from the jewish media. Which you know as the mass media. It doesn't matter whether it's politics, business or sports, if you say something that runs afoul of the jewish party line, you are Semitically Incorrect, and the green light flashes for the personal abuse to begin. After you are proved correct, no one comes around and apologizes, either.

Think about all the moking and abuse these white men endured for doing nothing but -- at every point -- what was best for Griffin:

- Kirk Cousins - kept his mouth shut, was completely supportive, never said a bad word in the media
- Mike Shanahan - jiggered his offense to support Griffin's abilities; later went along, per the owner-Griffin demand, with trying to turn Griffin into a pocket QB, though he lacks the ability
- Kyle Shanahan - did all he could to help his father get Griffin set up to succeed.

The latter two were absused in the media. The former was slighted.

How does it look today?

- Cousins is top QB free agent
- Kyle Shanahan is top coaching prospect, with the #1 offense in Atlanta, going to Super Bowl
- Mike Shanahan is called frequently for comments on Cousins

That's all we'll go into now. The key is that sports coverage is driven by ideology. For sports, as someone said of war, is just politics by other means.

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